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Man, Montagnes

This is the Man Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 2-Postcode

  • Country : Côte d'Ivoire
  • Region 1 : Montagnes
  • Region 2 : Man

Which sub-regions are included in Man? Here's the list of sub-regions in Man.
Region2 Region3
Man Facobly
Man Kouibly
Man Logoualé
Man Man
Man Nidrou
Man Sangouiné
Man Semien
Man Totrodrou


Je souhaite avoir une adresse postal mais je ne sais passer comment faire si vous pouvez m’aider


Côte D'ivoire does not currently use postal codes. Generally speaking,
you should write your detailed address for mailing purpose. If you
want to get a postal address, it is recommended that you apply for a
personal mailbox as the mailing address. You can consult your local
post office for details.

Kindly note that Côte D'ivoire does not have a postal code system, but you can use 00000 as the postal code for online activities.

Bonjour a vous. Je voudrais avoir le code postal de la ville de Man pour des documents

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